I would like to introduce you to our newest Industrial Lecturer, Mahmoud Emara. Mahmoud is an Electromechanical Engineer. He has a dual degree major in Electromechanical Engineering (Renewable Energy and Propulsion) from the University of Alexandria, Egypt. He also has a degree in Business Administration from University of Nevada. As a student, Mahmoud was active in Aerodesign SAE for many years, serving as technical design and analysis head, public relations and main speaker, research and development for his local Team and propulsion subteam lead. Furthermore, Mahmoud worked as an SAE Aerodesign Oral Presentation Judge, Technical Reports Judge, and Technical Inspection Volunteer.
"How to Design your RC Aircraft: from Blueprints till Flight Test"
This lecture is intended for Aerodesign SAE students who wish to create get an overall conceptual view on the design phases for RC Aircrafts in general or simply want a simple roadmap to the RC aircraft design phases. Due to the overwhelming details needed to be covered during the design phases especially for first-time teams joining the Aerodesign competition, most students tend to shadow whole phases which could have increased their competitiveness or being vital to the scoring and pre-flight. This lecture is considered as a blueprint plan which teams can build upon and improve according to their needs and timeline to get their optimum results.
"Propulsion: From Scratch till Advanced"
This lecture is intended for Aerodesign SAE students and any interested engineering student in the propulsion overall. This lecture offers a deep understanding for the Aerodynamics forces affecting the aircraft throughout the flight phases, providing the basic-to-advanced analysis techniques to students with examples to learn and apply them effectively. Furthermore, giving brief background on how to design, analysis, and process these techniques while being restricted with many variables which needs to be validated using complex algorithms, numerical analysis, and computational fluid dynamics tools. This Lecture is very important regarding the technical and experimental aspects. Follow-up tutorials can be provided as a training examples and resources for interested students.
Submit your request for Mahmoud to speak to your SAE Collegiate Chapter here.